So much seems to happen between updates these days!
-I'll start with the most exciting—I'm an aunt! We welcomed Briar (my name suggestion!) and Rayah into our family at the end of March, and I finally got to meet them this passed week.
-I ended my contract with the ski hill bakery once the season was complete. Running the bakery was a great experience, and one I'd unlikely have been given in any other circumstance, but the ski hill lifestyle was just not for me.
-I'm between jobs, so I'm back in Ontario for a few weeks to visit friend & family.
-The next step is Nelson, BC, and I'm super excited.
Now onto the sweet, sweet juice...
If this juice wasn't so delicious, I would never make it. Pineapple is the most annoying fruit to juice—it clogs up my juicer, and needs to be strained a second time to remove all the pulp. But the just so good. So I alternate between hard and soft fruit, pump the plunger, and it's always worth it.
This recipe makes a substantial amount of juice, because I like to juice the entire pineapple in one session. Also, this is my favourite juice, so I can drink a lot of it.

Pineapple Fennel Juice
(makes over 1L of juice; inspired by Live Food Bar)
- 1 pineapple, medium sized, peeled
- 1 green apple
- 4-5 stalks celery
- 2 small lemons
- 1/4 bulb fennel
- water (see note)
1. Process ingredients through juicer, alternating hard and soft fruit.
2. Strain and refrigerate in a sealed container.
Note: This juice is very sweet, so I sometimes water down my portions to suit my tastes.
Note: This juice is very sweet, so I sometimes water down my portions to suit my tastes.