Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Fairest of the Seasons: Raspberry & Blueberry Jam

This summer, I really wanted to be more involved in my food. My garden was part of that, but I also tried to take advantage of the local fruit opportunities. Berries really became my focus, and I went picking every chance I had—strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

School Pictures: Sweet Dough Cinnamon Buns & Wafer Cookies

Here's what I made at school yesterday:

More cinnamon and sugar related dough making. These were yeast risen cinnamon buns. The recipe's sugar content is through the roof, so dad was happy. Mom says she prefers my less sweet version...let's assume she's not lying.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

School Pictures: Meat Pie & Braided Bread

Soon I will get back to baking things I can eat. Until then, I need to practice with my camera, so here are some pictures of what I learned in school today:

How to make mini meat pies...not very useful for me, but still fun. At least dad is happy and I'm improving my dough rolling skills.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Plenty has been going on since my last post. Here is a list of my excuses for infrequent blogging:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Eating Raw in Montreal: Crudessence

As I have previously mentioned, my favourite restaurant, WOW, blew me off a couple of months ago and left a hole in my heart. I have been trying to fill the void with homemade Almonds Burgers, Salad Dressings and Cashew Cheesecakes...but it isn't the same. I am lazy and not as talented as the fine people of WOW.

I don't think anything makes me quite as happy as eating raw food…especially when someone else makes it for me. This past week, I finally accepted my loss and started Googling for nearby raw food restaurants...which ended up being in Montreal. So, James and I drove to Montreal, under the guise of shopping and showing James the city, but, by dinner time, we had to admit we came just to eat at Crudessence.

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