Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kale Chips: Am I Missing Something?

I write my first exam of the season today...I'm so close to the end, I think I'm more excited to get it over with than nervous...

Anyways, while I study, I always crave a snack. 

I wanted something salty, and kale was on sale for $1...so I made kale chips. I used elana's pantry's recipe for Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips, with the only variations being that I used my dehydrator to crisp them and white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar (it's all I had...and I'm not about to buy a new jug of something 4 days before I move out).

I must say...I was pretty disappointed. I have read a lot of blog posts describing the wonder of kale chips, but I didn't think they were anything special.

Elana's warning about this recipe being very salty is valid—I found them too salty, and so did James, though he liked them more than I did. I am so sad, because I thought this would be the answer to my salty snack craving...and I've read such good things...

Am I just missing something?


  1. Baking does very different things than dehydrating, especially to flavours! This is definitely the reason they came out icky.

  2. I'm not so sure, because I originally got the idea from a raw foodist, and when I shopped around for recipes, I found a bunch that used dehydrating instead of baking.

    Maybe I just don't like kale? Haha.

  3. Where did my comment go?? Maybe I forgot to do the captcha part…

    Anyway, yes… it is possible that you just find it gross. haha. STILL if you try the recipe again do it in the oven and tell me whether it affects the taste because I really feel like it would!

  4. What comment? The first one you made is there?

  5. I commented again and it didn't show up, so then I commented again. haha


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