No story to this post. The other day I was bugging my dad to give me more ideas for baking—things like bread, or cakes, or cookies. He suggested fudge...with walnuts.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Carob Walnut Fudge
No story to this post. The other day I was bugging my dad to give me more ideas for baking—things like bread, or cakes, or cookies. He suggested fudge...with walnuts.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Rise Again Cinnamon Buns
I have been wanting to adapt a cinnamon bun recipe for a while, but I couldn't find one worth the trouble...
Until I remembered my mom used to make cinnamon buns all the time for my brother's early morning hockey practices—she was a very popular lady. Her recipe is from Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook, chosen for its use of potato in the dough, which makes it so soft and delicious.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Cocoa & Almond No-Bake Granola Bars
I'm back to the granola bars...
This time it's my mom I'm trying to please. She's been on her own quest for the perfect granola bar—crunchy and chewy, but low in fat. After at least 4 different recipes, she still couldn't find one she liked, so I thought I'd try my hand at the old granola bar game...again.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Frittata For Mama and Papa
I have been struggling to find things to bake lately....I have already posted most of the recipes I use regularly, and I just don't have enough mouths in my house to consume a new baked good every second day.
So, last night I decided to try something (well, half cooking...).
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 your quest?
I have been charged by Dad with a sacred seek a perfect, dunkable peanut butter cookie recipe.
Dad's commandments:
- they shall be crispy on the outside, and chewy in the middle
- they shall bend and not snap
- they shall be dry enough to soak up his milk
- they shall not crumble under the weight of his milk
- they shall be sweet enough to avoid the sentence: "it would taste good with some sugar."
Monday, April 18, 2011
Home Again
I realize I have gone from posting daily during busy exam times, to a dead stop now that I'm free...
I was moving all day Saturday, and organizing on Sunday. I finally got around to trying out some recipes today, but I have to work out a few things before I post them.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sweet Potato, Peanut and Moving Out Stew
I am officially finished my undergraduate degree...assuming I don't fail any of my exams...
I submitted my final essay, the lingering symbol of my status as a student, 6 minutes ago. I am already growing anxious... I'm really going to miss being in an academic setting and it's freaking me out a bit.
More depressing, I am leaving Guelph tomorrow and...moving back in with my parents... I will become one of those university graduates who is living at home and working a job I could've had straight out of high school. This kind of thinking almost makes me wish I did fail a course, so I could cling to my student status for just a little bit longer...almost.
Anyways, this is leading somewhere, I promise.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Strawberry Sorbet
No, I am not done my essay on The Canterbury Tales.
Yes, I am procrastinating.
I have a surplus of frozen strawberries from when they were on sale for a $1 per package. I move out on Saturday and don't think they'd make the 6 hour drive back home...I had no idea what to do with the two freezer bags full of strawberries
If you could food process bananas into ice cream...maybe strawberries would do something just as good?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Perks of Owning a Dehydrator: Making Yogurt
Part of the reason I wanted to make my own yogurt is because it's cheaper. Organic yogurt is pricey and never seems to go on sale (ironically, the week I wrote this, it went on sale...but only by 50 cents), so instead I now buy the big 4 litre thing of organic milk and use one of the bags for yogurt making. I think James worked it out to be about half the price.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Kale Chips: Am I Missing Something?
I write my first exam of the season today...I'm so close to the end, I think I'm more excited to get it over with than nervous...
Anyways, while I study, I always crave a snack.
I wanted something salty, and kale was on sale for $ I made kale chips. I used elana's pantry's recipe for Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips, with the only variations being that I used my dehydrator to crisp them and white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar (it's all I had...and I'm not about to buy a new jug of something 4 days before I move out).
I must say...I was pretty disappointed. I have read a lot of blog posts describing the wonder of kale chips, but I didn't think they were anything special.
Elana's warning about this recipe being very salty is valid—I found them too salty, and so did James, though he liked them more than I did. I am so sad, because I thought this would be the answer to my salty snack craving...and I've read such good things...
Am I just missing something?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Apples to Apples: Unsweetened Apple Sauce
I have made it a habit to browse the shitty fruit shelf at the grocery store before I buy any regular produce, and there are certain fruits I will only buy from there. Bananas, for instance. The only time I get to enjoy dehydrated banana chips, or Maple Walnut Banana Ice Cream is when I find bananas on The Shelf. Apples, however, were always an exception. Being available more locally than bananas, I always bought them fresh.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
A Trio of Hot, Drinkable Treats
It's thunder storming here today. I love thunderstorms, and it makes me want something warm to drink, which reminded me of these recipes...which I've been meaning to post since February...but I have just never found the time to take the pictures. I've finally given up on doing so while at school [less than a week until I'm home..ah] and was sick of seeing this as a draft, so I am posting it anyways. Pictures will come eventually. On with the recipes...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Do You Know About Shrinkage?

I know I have already posted about raisins...more than once...but I am obsessed with them. I make them in huge batches every time grapes go on sale...but they're so delicious, I end up eating them all in the same day they finish dehydrating.
Since they have become part of my regular diet, and I already eat so much fruit [fiber], I decided I better find out the grape/raisin weight keep my grape consumption in balance and give myself a reality check—just because it's half the size, doesn't make it half the fruit.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Maple Walnut Banana Ice Cream: Heere is ended my tales of University
Today was my last day of undergraduate classes...ever.
I am so excited, a little sad...and so close to freedom. Only two exams and one ridiculously long essay about Chaucer's Canterbury Tales standing in my way.
I celebrated the end of classes and, hopefully, the beginning of Spring weather with some Maple Walnut Banana Ice Cream. I know I've made and posted this dessert before, but my previous instructions were best. This version is so much better—the lemon zest makes it taste like Spring, which is delicious.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Peanut Butter & Jam Thumbprint Cookies
I actually made these cookies over Reading Week, put just kept putting off posting them until now...I kind of hoped I would have a chance make them a second time before I posted, but it doesn't look like I'll have time before the end of school. Anyways, I'll just post them now and add edits if I find anything different when I make them again.
Over Reading Week, my mom and I went to Bulk Barn so I could get the ingredients to make my dad these peanut butter cookies. I have posted about these cookies before, but they are really so good that my previous post really doesn't do them justice.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Whole Wheat Crêpes
James came to visit this past week and, on Friday, we decided to have a big breakfast, since it was the only day I didn't have to rush off to class first thing in the morning. We...I...wanted crêpes. I love crêpes...adore them, I think they're my favourite breakfast food, and I seem to exclusively eat them with sweet fillings, but you can fill these any way you like.
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